About ME

Millennial Jas

Who am I?

Hey guys! My name is Jasmine Bibb and I’m a Millennial, young professional and self-proclaimed storyteller. I believe my purpose is to share the experiences I’ve endured as a Millennial. My hope is that through sharing my experiences, I’m able to provide encouragement, motivation, awareness and insight to other Millennials.

My name is Jasmine and I am a Millennial. I’m Millennial Jas.

What is Letters to a Millennial about?

Letters to a Millennial is a series of letters written about different life experiences from my viewpoint. The written letters include various experiences, scenarios, people, places and things that seem to be common themes and/or encounters in the lives of Millennial’s today. I created these letters with the goal of helping Millennials when they need it most.

P.S. means post scriptum or “after thought

In the P.S. section of my blog site, I will include my opinions that live outside of the LTAM letters. Through various outlets on a regular basis I find nuggets of information, that in my opinion are valuable and worth sharing. We all come across links to compelling articles, motivational stories, testimonials, product recommendations, etc. My hope is that you’ll find my “after-thoughts” to be helpful, motivational and a resource to support you in your journey.

A story telling platform created, for a Millennial by a Millennial

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