Staring Back At Me…

Staring Back At Me…

Dear Millennial, It’s been a while. Just like you, I’ve been going through the motions of life… trying to figure things out, put a name to the emotions that  I’ve been feeling, and filtering through all the noise to determine what truly matters most to me. For those...


Dear Millennial, Let me start by wishing you a Happy New Year!  Upon reflecting on the series of events that have transpired over this past year, I realized how the date January 26, 2019, stood out as a turning point in my life. It was on that very day that I decided...


Dear Millennial, I’ve consistently found myself in conversations discussing the topic of challenges lately. The context in which the topic had been discussed was more so been related to professional growth & opportunity… more specifically, the...


Dear Millennial, Failure is a Figment of Our Imagination. We all are learning as we grow. Growth helps us discover who we are, and who we are meant to be. This thought is such a praise worthy statement! Why? We’re all experiencing awakening, that’s why! I decided I’d...
The Bonus Life

The Bonus Life

Dear Millennial, I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to write this letter. Reason being, perception; the perception one would have of me after reading it. I had to remind myself that the goal of Letters To a Millennial is to help others realize that they’re...
Friendship is essential

Friendship is essential

Dear Millennial, Friendship is essential. As we all know, life sometimes is a whirlwind filled with peaks and valleys, wins and losses. When you think about how you’ve overcome the various hardships life has thrown at you, who was present to help you work through your...

A story telling platform created, for a Millennial by a Millennial

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