Overlooked and Under-appreciated

Dear Millennial,

This letter is about doing the right thing.

We will all face moments in life where we have and/or will feel overlooked and under-appreciated. These moments will happen both personally and professionally. For me, my struggle has been battling these moments professionally. If I’m being honest, when I’m feeling this way. I tend to want to “teach the person/people a lesson.” My ego takes the lead, and allows me to think that “they” won’t make progress without me. The thought of “showing them” brings me temporary joy…or so I think. We all want to feel “needed”, right?!

When I think about it, it’s like a movie; I have a demon and an angel on each shoulder. The demon seems to be the favorite when I’m feeling overlooked and under-appreciated. “How can I make ‘them’ pay?!” (insert evil laugh). At times, the actions of the demon feel like they’d bring me so much satisfaction. However, the angel whispers, “wait for God…don’t move…don’t let your ego block your blessings or allow you to misstep.” Feeling overlooked and under-appreciated when you know what you have to offer in a relationship, work project, thought and/or idea is tough. I had to check myself this week (it’s only Wednesday), and remind myself that the angel on my shoulder is, and always will be right.

While reading one of my morning devotional’s last week, I came across this blurb and it stuck with me….

“When it comes to the worthiness of our calling, we need to take a divine perspective and remember that God’s standards are not like those of the world. Some people are called to do great works- govern countries, direct relief efforts, evangelize millions. And some people are called to do small acts of service- pour coffee with a smile, sweep the streets, bake a cake for their neighbors. But God does not look at these things and see them inconsequential. To him they are beautiful outpourings of his spirit. A calling to serve God in the workplace might be to revive a failing company. Or perhaps it is to be a loyal and faithful friend to a coworker going through a tough time. Though the world may judge one as more significant that the other, God does not.”

With that being said, I know I have to do the right thing. Obedience brings God’s protection, comfort, joy, patience, and the ability to weather the storms. Doing the right thing will always pay off in the long run, I promise.

As I’m telling you, I’m reminding myself as well; If you feel overlooked and under-appreciated, pray about it. God sees us, He knows our value, and He hasn’t forgotten our worth. Let’s find the purpose in the struggle, and allow that to move us forward.

-Millennial Jas

A story telling platform created, for a Millennial by a Millennial

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