Dear Millennial,

Let me start by wishing you a Happy New Year! 

Upon reflecting on the series of events that have transpired over this past year, I realized how the date January 26, 2019, stood out as a turning point in my life. It was on that very day that I decided to push through my fears & apply pressure. It was on that very day that I celebrated my 30th birthday, and came to the realization that I wanted to start “30” in the same manner that I had intended to end it.. For me, that meant taking chances, facing fears, and pushing the boundaries I set for myself while embarking on a journey to become who I was/am meant to be. I convinced myself that I’d begin by writing a blog. 

Unfortunately, this notion was a lot easier said than done. My heart literally raced as I reread my first blog post and its introductory social media captions. I felt like I needed that moment to be PERFECT! My heart, soul, years of my life and everything in between went into what I was about to share. For the first time as an adult, I was making the decision to bet on me, with no safety net and no guarantee of success. Then came the negative thoughts; ”What if I fail? What if this doesn’t help others? What if I’m not meeting people where they are?” Just as fast as those thoughts arose, I heard a faint whisper that could have only been God saying… ”But what if you ARE able to do all those things, and more!?” It was at that point that I introduced myself in a way that could only be described as vulnerable, real, relatable and hopeful.

Letters to a Millennial was born! 

The reactions and responses I received, both publicly and privately on every level, truly overwhelmed me with emotion in the best way possible! I never thought I’d attain the number of subscribers that I have, nor would I appeal to anyone in a way that would make them take time out of their day to read what I had to say. My mind was blown!

As I celebrate another year of life and the first anniversary of LTAM, I’m inspired and more motivated than ever, simply because I decided to push through, press harder and just do it! 

Pushing my boundaries for the very first time released me of all societal expectations I initially had for myself. 

Pushing my boundaries opened my eyes to the fact that I’m capable and ANYTHING is possible. 

Pushing my boundaries taught me to take every idea I come up with seriously, spread them and place my thoughts everywhere! 

Pushing my boundaries helped me realize that what’s meant for me will find its way to me if I just try!

That idea you have… Push through and press! Destroy your boundaries and just do it. You won’t regret the fact that you did. 

Realistically, fear will still peek around the corner & experiences will disguise themselves as failure… but that’s ok.I promise you will find your flow and gain momentum in a way you could have never imagined! Trust me, the feeling on the other side of boundaries is a necessary high. 

Thirty owes me NOTHING!

Millennial Jas


A story telling platform created, for a Millennial by a Millennial

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