Dear Millennial,

“You get more bees with honey.”

I’ve been told this saying a thousand times, but I still seem to only apply this phrase on a consistent basis to certain aspects of my life… more so in the workplace.

I play nice when I’m at work. I think before I speak, I’m kind to others even when I don’t want to be, and I put up with people that would have otherwise driven me crazy in my everyday life outside of work. I’ve recently found myself wondering how is it that I’m able to apply the notion of “getting more bees with honey” to my professional life, but not to my personal life on a consistent basis!? Like seriously…

When it comes to work, I have a foolproof morning routine: I wake up, I pray for strength/guidance/kindness/endurance, etcetera, read my morning devotional, and have a little praise and worship session to get the good vibes flowing before work begins. This entire routine helps me to deal with coworkers, negativity, and overall mindfulness. It’s also a gentle reminder to be patient with myself, and others.

The thing is… I can only seem to remember (consistently ) that “you get more bees with honey” when I’m in professional settings. Now that’s not to say that I’m this terrible, disrespectful person any other time. However, I’m not as conscious as I could be when interacting with those that I love and care about, whom truly deserve my honey. Think about it this way; sometimes whatever I feel just comes up and out, not taking into consideration the feelings of others or even the fact that I should just keep some things to myself.

I pump myself with tons of honey on a daily basis, and I’m usually able to get the bees I need for a productive work day. However, it seems like all of the honey is gone by the time I get home and begin interacting with my family/friends, I occasionally may have a drop or two left every now and then, but it’s rare (I’m empty)! Maybe you can relate?

One day it hit me! “How is it that I produce honey for people that I interact with in a more transactional manner, but the people who I love… that my heart beats for…they get the leftovers, if any?” It’s not cool when you really think about it, that’s for sure. There should be a balance. I realized that I needed to put that same energy into creating a routine for my personal life.

Prepping, praying and praising. Those I love deserve the best of me; being conscious, patient and present allows me to be that. I’m learning to redirect my energy, and I love how mindful I’ve become in doing so. If this message is for you, I hope you’ll redirect yours as well.

P.S. Did you get a chance to take the survey I asked about a few weeks ago? If not, could you please take a minute or two to do so? You can find the link below!

Click here to take the survey

-Millennial Jas


A story telling platform created, for a Millennial by a Millennial

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